How Many Eggs?

Dilemma Man

So, how many eggs can each chicken 

potentially lay?


THE ANSWER:  It depends!  We will know how many eggs the chickens can potentially lay once we determine if there are healthy roosters to fertilize them, if the chicken coup is well-secured, how healthy each chicken is, how crafty the wolves are, if the llamas and horse are protective of the chickens (and if they are close enough to help fend off the wolves). Not to mention weighing the risks of the chickens getting sick, bad weather, etc.


By now, you have figured out the analogy to business.  You’re the chickens (remember, this is just an example), your competitors are the wolves, your operational partners are the roosters, your business development partners are the llamas, and the eggs are your growth.


THE POINT: Even in this simple example, there are numerous things to consider when figuring out how many eggs you want (growth wanted), how many eggs you can potentially lay (growth potential), how many eggs might be in danger (threats), and how to best protect them so you can get as many as possible (defining and managing the risks).  It always “depends”.


THE PROBLEM:  Even with a thousand pieces of information, it means little without strategy, planning, and execution.  And, it means little without connecting the dots.  And, it means little without thinking outside the box.


THE SOLUTION:  This is what we do.  We connect the dots.  We think outside the box to innovate a strategy that is based on solid ground.  We excel at determining what information is needed, getting it (we are excellent sleuths), and putting it all together in a meaningful way.  We analyze (connect the dots) and strategize (innovate).  We then document and create an execution roadmap to help you get from Point A to Point B and provide whatever level of support you want.  And that’s what we can help you with.

By the way, that’s what we mean when we say “Decisions By Design”.  Since there will always be many pieces of data and since the strategy “always depends”, there must be a method behind the madness that uses a specific approach to engineer the results our clients expect.

Exactly how do we engineer the results you want?

By designing an approach that integrates a structured methodology with an innovative style.

Getting the dots

Connecting the dots

Innovating by thinking outside the box

Using a methodical, logical, and data-driven process

Decisions… by design”

So… how do we engineer the results you want?

By design, of course!


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Contact us today to set up an introductory call to explore if we can help your business become more successful.  There will be absolutely no pressure… it’s not our style. 


Growth, Profitability, and Competitiveness…

by design.

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